Wednesday, February 28, 2007


haven't updated in a while...hmmm...i said in one of my earlier posts that i'd share my history with some of the females i met XD...i don't have anything deep to say so i guess i'll tell a story...this story starts about 3 years ago i guess when i was in was in high school but it was spring break of my junior year. i'm a pretty lazy guy and it shows sometimes lol. anyways i was hangin out at the arcade in the mall like i always do on a saturday. I was playing some marvel vs capcom 2 like i always do which is in the back of the arcade and i turn around and see a girl looking at me. I hate it when people look at me especially this day since all i'm wearing is a pair of sweat pants a black t-shirt and a hat. so i think:"yeah i look like a bum now stop staring at me it's annoying." i'd seen her looking at me before but i never spoke to her on account of me not having many female friends. but on this day she decides to walk up to me and start talking. so we got the basics names,age(said she was 16 turned out to be 14...) anyways she gave me her number and i wasn't planning on calling her but i thought oh well might as well see... so i called 4 days later and we spoke for a bit and we saw eachother the next saturday. we started talking and stuff and it was fun i guess. the saturday after she runs me over to her friends and explains to them that we were now going out...(yeah that's how it happened i never asked for the troublesomeness that was comming my way) well fast forward to about march that year...she takes my best friend off somewhere in the mall and leaves me with her best friend to sit and wait...(her and him did stuff before but i trusted my friend to tell me if something went wrong hahahahahahahahahAHHAHAHAHAAHAHA...funny....) anyways they come back and i was like what happened? and they were like nothing... so i thought whatever. few weeks later i come to find out that while they were gone they were making out in the book store...after that i hated my best friend like wanted him dead hate...not because of what he did, hell he could have told me he did it and been honest with me and i prolly woulda gave him a high five. if a woman betrays the man she "loves"so easy then i don't wanna be with her nuff said. and being that we had known eachother since elementary school and her for about a few months we coulda shared her for all i cared.but he didn't and i wasnted him dead...or so i thought. one night we were walking home from the mall...i was acting like i was fine and i would tell him to his face alot that i wanted him dead after he did what he did and he knew i wasn't playing...but anyway we were walking home and we ran into a drunk guy that blocked our way so i stupidly started talking to him after that we started ta walk away and the man came up behind my friend and grabbed him and put a box cutter to his neck...i couldn't do anything but watch and my friend through the drunk man off and we ran. if that had went another way and something had happened to him what could i have done? the guy was huge and had a weapon and he could hace killed him all because i stopped... with that fresh on my mind i thought about all the good times we had andi forgave him since i almost costed him his life. i broke up with her after i found out she made out with him but took her back soon after...(biiiiiig mistake as i know now). well time goes by i don't even feel anything for her anymore i was just trying to use her, i didn't care what she did or who she did it to as long as she didn't let it bother what i wanted. (yeah it's a bad way to think another lesson learned though). well fast forward to around august school is about to start back and she's been cheating on me left and right AND on top of that she meets a new guy who no one likes AND for some reason he hates me. he would always talk shit about me behind my back and then i'd have other people tellin me what he said.(with this i was already smart enough to know that if someone talks about you behind your back it's because they're too scared to say it to your face) yeah i guess he was scared of me after she met him i guess she was taellin him all kinds of stuff (i forgot to mention she was two faced and would say one thing to one person then something completely different to another) well that's when all the stuff about me getting jumped started and he'd bring like 4-5 people up there and make it seem like they were gonna beat me down. i don't have alot of people that i have around me like he does because i don't need it if i got something that needs to be handled i do it by myself cowards need a pack all i need is myself. anyways i never got beat up and the last i heard pf him he was getting out of jail for breaking and entering. (funny huh? i'm worse than a guy who will probably be nothing but a repeat felon wooooooo) the moral of the story being...iono


Maia said...

You're not alone anymore remember? (Well, mentally anyways) you have me. And I don't like her D: besides you don't need anyone but me, right? Love you <3 hope to see you this weekend! -Muacks!-

Rock said...

yeah i know i have you and i know i'm not alone but it kinda feels that way since i've been alone for about a month you too hope to see you this weekend.