Sunday, February 18, 2007

Let's see?

it's late i'm sleepy...i wanna go to sleep,just hopped on ta see if anyone was online but no one is so i'll update real quick.but this is a fun update i'll put down a series of questions and you put how you think i owuld react given the situation. let's see who really knows me hmmm?XD
for example if i ask:
EX1.What would Greg do if a dog started to chase him?
you respond
run away as fast as he could.
i'm too sleepy to think of anything funny but you get the idea so let's begin.

1.What would I(Greg) do if I got lost on an island

2.What do you think...on second thought i'm too lazy to think up questions more posts to come folks stay tuned i'm going to sleep g'night lol

1 comment:

Maia said...

"What would I(Greg) do if I got lost on an island?"

Make a paradise out of it and kidnap me from civilization to your paradise!!